Scrappin up a storm

I really need to get on the ball. I mean I scrap a fair amount, but I really should be more done. I have been doing the Effer Dares and they are awesome. Excellent for breakning scraping norms. I was so feeling like I was in a rut, and now I don't so much. I mean I am still having a bit of trouble find my style. It seems to be just out of my reach, but I'll find it. I also need to start getting my shit out to mags. I am pretty sure some of it is publishable. My new favorite layout is one I just did using the Senic Route's Brighton paper. Wow is it cute. It is from when it snowed last year, which here in houston it never does. I mean like NEVER! I don't have a pic of the layout, but I can share a pic that I used on the layout.
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